Today I joined the
Threshold Multi-Sport crew at Rozema Car Care for a group trainer ride. It is always easier to be motivated to get on trainer when riding with a group. The workout went fine until my shirt fell off. Well, actually I took it off, and it jammed in my derailleur and ripped it right off the frame. Oops. The ride ended right there, with me straining in vain to unwrap my shirt from the derailleur pullies (I had to disassemble the derailure to free the shirt and chain!).
I had a spare derailuer hanger on the work bench and replaced it before coming in the house. It seems that this is a pretty essential part to getting the bike down the road isn't it? Amazing how such an insignificant part can derail (sorry couldn't resist) the whole operation.
It made me think about why I am doing this ride and what poverty does to individuals and families. If you have never been in poverty you may not think about how vulnerable people are. Their lives can be hanging on a pretty slim thread. I did a poverty simulation a while back and I invite you to try it out. It is called
Spent. Click on that link and try it out. Katie and I did and it was interesting to see what compromises we made. Further more it was interesting to consider what this would do to my self-image. I know poverty would make me feel different about who I am. God detests poverty because it can distort us as image bearers.
Part of why I love what Sea to Sea is doing is that it partners with people in need and works with them. In a way that honors their dignity and sense of self. Simply receiving a handout doesn't work, it doesn't change the situations that create poverty.
I just got done reading the book Toxic Charity and it makes it clear how difficult it is to see real change take place. The book was challenging and actually kind of depressing. It stresses that those working with others need to really invest in the individuals and serve the needs in a way that honors that person's self. It points out the much of our traditional mission trip emphasis is misguided because it really becomes tourism with an altruistic bend that is ultimately self-serving.
I pray that my efforts with Sea to Sea are about so much more than me. Poverty seems so big, and so entrenched that it is easy to become overwhelmed. However, when you look at the work that this ride will support I am positive that every dollar will make a difference in the Kingdom.
If you did the poverty simulation I invite you to pray for those in poverty anywhere.
Here is a prayer from Christian Aid UK that I like:
Pray for an end to poverty
Creator God,
You loved the world into life.
Forgive us when our dreams of the future
are shaped by anything other than glimpses of a kingdom
of justice, peace and an end to poverty.
Incarnate God,
you taught us to speak out for what is right.
Make us content with nothing less than a world
that is transformed into the shape of love,
where poverty shall be no more.
Breath of God,
let there be abundant life.
Inspire us with the vision of poverty over,
and give us the faith, courage and will to make it happen.
If you have not donated yet, I encourage you to do so. Have a good week and I invite you to pray this prayer a few times this week.