Thursday, June 27, 2013

GIrls in Day Care means we can ride together!

It's summer which means Mark isn't working, but Katie still is.  You would think that this translates to lots of riding time.  Well, dear reader, I must admit it is still a struggle to find all the time.  With two little girls it is quite difficult to find the time to ride together, so we are riding separately now. 
Today we had the girls in day care so we could go for a longer ride to Lake Michigan together on the tandem.  We are still trying to dial in the fit of the tandem.  It is quite different than our single bikes.
Check out today's ride HERE
We were grateful to not be riding in the heat that the Sea to Sea riders are enduring right now.  Yesterday the group dealt with 112 degree heat.  YOUCH!
I was at Ada Bike shop picking up a helmet for Katie and some gloves for me when fellow Sea to Sea Rider Gary Nederveld walked in.  His bike had fallen off the rack on 131 at highway speeds and was pretty banged up.  It sounded like he needed a new bike.  I am praying he gets a solution in time.  Shiprock rolls out on July 8!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Surviving the end of the school year.

Sorry readers.  I have been neglecting you.  The end of the school year has me quite busy with track and field coaching and all of the school work of getting ready for the end.
Katie and I have been out on the tandem a few times.  We are ready for the summer break to come and free up training time.  We scheduled the training on the calendar and are excited to get on a set schedule that we have both committed to complete together.
Thanks for all of your prayers.  I am amazed at who all is obviously supporting us in this effort.  One of my teacher friends at school Kristin Dyk was telling me her father in law rode in 08 and he constantly asks how we are doing and that he prays for us!  So to all of you who are upholding us in prayer; thank you.
The tour starts soon.  Please continue to pray for the health and safety of all involved.  We also pray that the tour will be used by God to have a real impact on those in poverty--may this be a kingdom builder.